Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This weekend husband I put up the Christmas decorations in our house.  Including our Christmas tree.  It's not the tree that bothers the girls, it's all the reflective surfaces that dance across the walls and ceilings.  This is especially apparent to Wanda.  Wanda loves reflective crap.  The 3 hours it took me to set up my Christmas tree were littered with cat rockets darting from one end of the room to the other, and then jumping up the wall to try and catch the latest reflective surface that dared to bounce off the walls.

Three years ago we had a 3ft tinsel tree that I thought was glorious.  Husband did not.  Mavis and Wanda did not either, because they knocked that sucker down once a week until I got so frustrated that I just put it away.  They've grown considerably since that  first Christmas.  Now I can even hang icicles from even the lowest branches and when they squish under the tree to lay underneath it like little presents they don't even knock them off.  It's just putting up the tree and taking it down that are the real highlights of Christmas.  Mavis was so traumatized from me screaming like a banshee during the tinsel tree year that she barely goes near the tree.  She's such a cautious little beast....unlike Wanda.  It seems that to Wanda, being under the tree is totally normal.  When I finally get around to wrapping presents and putting them under the tree, she'll use her chub to move those suckers out of her way and lay among them.  I don't even bother anymore...I'll wait until right before people come over to actually put out any presents so as to give Wanda free reign over the tree. 

This is what happens when people don't have kids...

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